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Simply SHE specializes in helping coaches, consultants and course creators build their brands. Our self-paced courses and trainings have just what you need to create your signature program and scale your business.

Signature Coaching Program Training for High-Ticket Coaches

Signature Program Blueprint Training

This training teaches you how to create a curriculum for your Signature Coaching or Consulting Program (High-Ticket Coaching Program) and tips on how to market it to your ideal client.


content creation for coaches and how to create social media content that converts

Social Media Unlocked For Coaches/Consultants Training

In this self-paced course, learn how to develop content that converts for your coaching, consulting or course business. You will learn the top 4 reasons why people are not purchasing from you, the power of niche-ing down and how to drive your ideal clients to your offer (free or paid).


learn how to get coaching clients on social media

Get Coaching Clients Now System

This self-paced training helps you identify the people you can help the most based upon your experience (target market), your zone of genius and your industry. It provides the exact steps you need to learn where your ideal clients hangout online, what they need the most, and how to successfully turn them into clients.
